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Company of Heroes


#1Maxwell D. Taylor  Jan 6 2022, 13:09 PM -
Replays: 20
Scoutcar movement is very interesting, watch this just when kill my sniper.
#2Volkl  Jan 6 2022, 21:16 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Synopsis of incident:

4:22 Omicron unupgraded scout car attacks engies laying mines on road midfield
4:29 engy squad is wiped
4:30 scout car proceeds up road towards allied base
4:45 scout car rounds wall and proceeds past the +5 ammo
4:52 scout car reveals unrevealed sniper
4:55 scout car kills sniper
4:56 scout car reverses direction
5:00 scout car begins capping the +5 ammo it previously moved past

Question, if capping the +5 ammo was the mission for the scout car, why did it initially drive past it?
#3Arashenstein  Jan 6 2022, 22:29 PM -

Replays: 79 Game:
So Scout Car ignores to capture the strategic point instead he pushes to corner side of the map where nothing is happening to kill a sniper? Right...

Maxwell can you contact me via PM?
#4djw2104  Jan 11 2022, 14:28 PM -

Replays: 8 Game:
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