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Company of Heroes

[Quarters] R5 G2 Guderian vs Rizky

Semois (2)
Semois (2)
Game 1 of 2
Game 2 of 2
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#1ISSIGuderian  Sep 5 2010, 19:50 PM -
Replays: 202 Game:
game 2, Guderian (WM) vs Rizky (US)
#3MinSillyWalks  Sep 9 2010, 14:49 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
rizky did very well against the piospam in the early stages.
i felt he wasnt aggressive enough once the two m8s were out. at least one of them should go the wm base fuel immediately - accompanied by a minesweeper and rifle to deny the wm of virtually the only source of fuel income on semois.
it pretty doesnt matter if youre outcapped on the rest of the map as long as you hold your own base fuel. cause we all have seen that its gg once the wm has enough fuel to let the puma avalanche roll.

and btw, pak sniping should be prohibited in the next tourney.
#4Rizky  Sep 9 2010, 17:17 PM -
I think I shoulda base rushed with an M8 maybe.
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