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Company of Heroes


#4188mmketten  Sep 2 2011, 00:04 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
This game is now beyond whats OP or not. 2.602 fixed everything.

Just staghounds are left.

Any faction can beat any faction using different strategies...was proven in the tourney.
#42SpaceMarineBrother  Sep 2 2011, 23:00 PM -
Replays: 2
Any reason why the US waited for 18 mins for bars? Couldn't he have used them earlier?

Also, which one was the abuser?
The gewehr spamming PE guy using combined arms or the American blobbing, strafing 3x medic station spammer?

Hmm... IIRC bars are terrible vs. soldier armor, and that's why they're usually ignored in this match up.
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