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Company of Heroes

Against Stronger chinese dude

#1Denchicpsih  Nov 27 2020, 12:58 PM -
Replays: 9
I actually have a bunch of replays against this guy. Some people seems to struggle against his play, so watch and take the notes boys.
#2pwnstick  Nov 27 2020, 15:04 PM -
Replays: 78
GG. I hope you mailed a Purple Heart to the parents of that flamer who took out the bunker in mid.

I thought his huge mistake here was not getting a med bunker down. He eventually tried, but it was much too late.

Well played. WUBd.
#3Leveltake  Nov 27 2020, 16:19 PM -
Replays: 33
Nice need to watch that i strugle hard vs him on Sturz
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