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Company of Heroes

No one ever gets banned for barcounting

#1Arashenstein  May 3 2020, 11:57 AM -

Replays: 80 Game:
Player 1:

Player 2:

The link to video recorded from my previous stream:

You can see it in the whole duration of the video the Snk12Hd gets matched with me on first game he drops in the loading. Second time searching the bars stuck at 3 and mysteriously the search automatically cancels its self and 3rd time when I reset it and that works Snk12Hd does not drop and actually starts to insult with his mate in the match.

Anyway we all know nothing is gonna happen to them but seriously what is fun in this? Someone wants to play a game and you fail to get your barcounter mate and drop out of the game leave the other guy 1v2 versus two another barcounters...
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