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Company of Heroes

The Schdelt 3v3 GG (PE at Pos. 6)

#1Burak1337  Mar 23 2018, 10:33 AM -
Replays: 66 Game:
Cheetah: i proved to say to6 dont go pe.
he wont listen me.

Pos. 1= British - x (Win. 253 - Los. 54 at British)
Pos. 2= USA - Cheetah (Win. 56 - Los. 9 at USA)
Pos. 3= USA - ragnar (Win. 758 - Los. 299 at USA)

Pos. 4= Wehrmacht - Invader (Win. 825 - Los. 382 at Wehrmacht)
Pos. 5= Wehrmacht - fastasgreyhounds (Win.461 - Los.196 @WM)
Pos. 6= Panzer Elite - Rokhehndeel (Win. 88 - Los. 32 @PanzerElit)

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