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Company of Heroes

RoMIWu299 vs Sepha

#41Kolaris  Sep 26 2011, 21:26 PM -
Replays: 48 Game:
Kind of game I'd show to a newcomer to get them hooked on CoH

Had a bit of everything
#42djraize  Sep 27 2011, 20:25 PM -
Replays: 0
awesome game. wubwubwub.

I love Wehr on Langres, so I always get a little depressed if I see US wining - as Seph was for most of the game. When that M10 rush came, I though that was it... great move, and watching without FoW you knew it was coming.

But then what an incredible comeback! Sure those grens were hard as hell, but it takes a ton of concentration and perseverance to get hammered like that for 25 mins and then pull through. WP both players.

Final thought: Seph had ridonculously good AT throughout. splendiferous.
#43Garfunkle  Oct 1 2011, 05:47 AM -
Replays: 7
Best game I've ever seen
#44Zjoekov  Oct 1 2011, 15:42 PM -
Replays: 27 Game:
Judging on the comments I expected to see one epic game... I'm dissapointed as I fail to see what makes this game epic:

-Standard (pretty) defensive T2-T3 from Wu on Langres(!)
-Sepha insisting on throwing vehicles away. (both m8's were unecessary for example)
-Armour doctrine, which didn't bring that much. (inf would have been better imo)

Early game was pretty sweet though (:

Still decent game overall, but not as great as I hoped/expected.
#45GNBAHAR  May 3 2012, 12:10 PM -
Replays: 5
seph noob
#46Dr.Desastro  Jun 9 2012, 12:28 PM -
Replays: 5
I am really impressed. This was nice to watch and truly inspiring. Frankly I thought Wehrmacht was finished when down to 120 tickets with the M10 Blob forming. When they were destroyed I only gaped my mouth in awe. Nice useage of American troops there.

Also great usage of the frontline bunker of the wehrmacht base putting up with those grens he used in the endgame. I wonder about 3 things:

The Med-Bunker was marvellous - what about turning the other in your back base into a field repair station to keep your tanks in play longer?

After there were so many wrecks near your base and your ammo was critical at that point - wouldn't have it been wise to harvest those with a squad of pios?

You never upgraded your Puma with the 50mil cannon - why is that so?

Great games to both of you and I really enjoy the politeness in your in game talk.
I loath trolls.
#47heyDont  Jul 18 2012, 11:28 AM -
Replays: 6 Game:
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