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Company of Heroes

Vs Magnolia

#1Sumitis  Jan 25 2017, 13:06 PM -
Replays: 70 Game:
That was a very good 42 minutes game.
I have a lot of trouble dealing with double snipers.
Excellent US players always kill me with that.
#2Kaos  Jan 25 2017, 14:06 PM -
Replays: 154 Game:
he is annoying a bit with that strategy, but I think it can easily be countered with a standard wehr t1 build (2 pio and 4 t1 units) + a bike and tech to t3 for pumas

that is basically a counter to early wsc since the US even if he has fuel for that "fast" m8, he will lack manpower invested in snipers and wsc to actually tech before you.

the mentality you should have while playing vs that is the one a standard US player has vs PE...try to get as much map as possible, preserve territory, avoid engagements, avoid snipers, attack the snipers with your bike if you see them exposed, don't go deep into enemy territory cause bike dies instantly to mines.

for exapmle, you build v v s bike + mg/v, try to keep most of the fuel on map, or balanced amount, or simply get 1 fuel point for yourself and try to deny others to the US, what you are aiming for is having more fuel.

also if sniper battles become a key part of the game and your opponent is stronger or has better micro, try pumas + propaganda war and kill the retreating snipers biggrin.gif
#3Sumitis  Jan 25 2017, 14:12 PM -
Replays: 70 Game:
Yes, t3 would have been better.
And a greyhound can be countered by upgrading the puma.

I built two halftracks by mistake... I didnt want to have 2 so fast. One was enough.
One mp44 squad would have been better.

I had so much fuel that I decided to go directly to t4, but it doesnt counter snipers.
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