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Company of Heroes

InverseTV BO3 Inverse vs Nosliw G3

#1Nosliw  Nov 27 2011, 05:15 AM -
Here is game 3.

I played PE as requested by Inverse's chat audience.
#2Icer_CRO  Dec 20 2011, 10:53 AM -
Replays: 3 Game:
Y U NO get T2? Especially when the AT spam started? I see that you didn't really need the MHTs, but do you think they would have made a win faster?
#3Nosliw  Dec 20 2011, 17:30 PM -
Y U NO get T2? Especially when the AT spam started? I see that you didn't really need the MHTs, but do you think they would have made a win faster?

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