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Company of Heroes

Intense 2 v 2

#1tyrspawn  Sep 22 2006, 17:59 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
My partner was a noob but we managed to beat a great allied team in this extremely intense match. There was several points where I thought we we're dead - the massive number of tanks one of the allied players managed to amass in a 2 v 2 was startling. I destroyed wave after wave using carefully timed artillery strikes but they still kept coming. Check it out.

By the way, my usual name is Tyr or TyrSpawn but we we're playing LAN so it defaulted to TANIT.
This post has been edited by tyrspawn: Sep 22 2006, 18:00 PM
#2jonbon  Sep 23 2006, 05:54 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
"managed to beat a great allied team in this extremely intense match. There was several points where I thought we we're dead - the massive number of tanks one of the allied players managed to amass in a 2 v 2 was startling. I destroyed wave after wave using carefully timed artillery strikes but they still kept coming"

Can u upload that game^ ????
#3Turin Turambar  Sep 23 2006, 13:06 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
So, is intense a codeword for boring? Sorry, this has to be the most boring and action-less game ever. Every side just camped at each side of the river, out of the range of the enemy of course, wth only some onmap arty strikes in the Axis side, and some Paratroopers raids in response in the Allied side. There were some full minutes where no one gave a single command to the units, the players were simple acumulating more and more resources.
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