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Company of Heroes

Deep Shit in R&M

#1riggsman  Jan 19 2011, 04:12 AM -
Replays: 18 Game:
Fucking long headache. That could be the shortest description.

It's a random auto 2v2.
Axis spammed pios, grens, volks,paks,ostwinds and whatever they have plus KT.
PE spammed mp44s, shreks, panthers ( how many god knows),hummels and so on. Also with the help of Berge these units came again and again.

Brit ally lost all trucks in a short time, normally it was gg atm but somehow we managed to get the vp's till the end. But it was fucking hard. OMCG kept me in the game and snipers as well.

Nothing uber quality but standing still was fun. Besides the fucking fun fighting, rest is actually noobish. Hope you enjoy.
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