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Company of Heroes

Volkspam? Reborn kindly tells you to shove it.

#1SpectreFTL  Jul 6 2011, 01:03 AM -
The Volkspam strat, and those who use it are gigantic cocksuckers. Look at the amount of units I kill this game.
#2Biosparks  Jul 6 2011, 01:22 AM -
Whoa Boxy, never seen you this mad before ohmy.gif
#3SpectreFTL  Jul 6 2011, 17:41 PM -
The fact that bullshit like this can actually come back from being completely raped is what pisses me off.
#4Blitzkrieg'  Jul 6 2011, 20:04 PM -
reborn quietly reminds reborn to shoot medics
#5SpectreFTL  Jul 8 2011, 06:53 AM -
I shot the medics whenever I wasn't focusing on weak squads.
#6EpicIrish  Jul 8 2011, 07:42 AM -
Replays: 20 Game:
Holy cow, lol.

Wubbed for that vet 3 rifle squad that had Rambo, Chuck Norris, Superman, Lt. Speirs, Hulk Hogan and George Washington as it's members.
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