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Company of Heroes

Watch if you want a laugh

#1SuchIsLife  Jan 25 2016, 16:02 PM -
Replays: 108 Game:
I'd beaten this guy earlier and he had a good cry about it in game and chat.

His chance for redemption came and he was getting a little cocky until things started to go horribly wrong. Let's just say he wasn't to mature about it.
#2MoreLuckPlease  Jan 25 2016, 23:43 PM -
Replays: 252 Game:
he really took bazooka by an engineer n1qshok.gif
#3SuchIsLife  Jan 26 2016, 00:46 AM -
Replays: 108 Game:
he really took bazooka by an engineer n1qshok.gif

I thought that too. I assume he ordered his blob to pick it up and the engineer got there first.
#4Kaos  Jan 29 2016, 00:02 AM -
Replays: 154 Game:
HAHAHHAHAHA "I WON", had such a laugh there
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