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Company of Heroes

Convuko versus KoreanForce

#1Convuko  May 14 2013, 15:43 PM -
A lot of Wehrmacht vet versus a huge brit blob back and forth VP battle
this was just all out WAR.
#2IronRoman  May 15 2013, 05:13 AM -
Replays: 188 Game:
Legit connection problem at the end, or was it? MVGame
#3niksa  May 17 2013, 06:34 AM -
Replays: 24
I got 2 games against that guy in both he have net problem
In the end
#4gravemouth  May 19 2013, 05:33 AM -
Replays: 79 Game:
Legit connection problem at the end, or was it? MVGame

Lots of those totally legit net problems this patch. I wonder if anyone, ANYONE in the top ladder with 100-0 stats is there because of it...
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