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Company of Heroes

Success against T1/T2/T3

#1remosu37  Jan 17 2018, 13:37 PM -
Replays: 23 Game:
I've struggled in the past vs. Wehr T1/T2/T3 starts (T1 volks/MG --> T2 Gren/ATG --> Pumas), but I've recently had some successes with early BARs --> M10 --> onmap artillery for Infantry doctrine.

I had a major fuckup in the midgame losing a Sherman and an M10 to bad vehicle micro, but I recovered to beat a top 125 Wehr player, so figured it was worth a post.
#2MoreLuckPlease  Jan 18 2018, 15:38 PM -
Replays: 252 Game:
very nice! wink.gif
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