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Company of Heroes

Vire - 2 axis lev. 7 against me and noob

#1FruitBanana  Aug 1 2007, 02:29 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
I cant belive how crappy is automatch. WTF. How is it possible to match 2 axis level 7 and me level 6 with guy who playing his first game level 0 online????????????????????
I think relic team need to fix that.
Ok the game si about heroic fight of me ofcourse, but even if i manage to almost destroy entire base of that guy, my teammate(who playing first time online - automatch same skill YEAH RIGHT) let to capture VP, he couldnt even protect that.

#2A1R  Aug 1 2007, 07:05 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
A lot of problemes appear these days.

technical and smurfz problem too.

Relic got to work on is online system.
#3FruitBanana  Aug 1 2007, 13:08 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
I agree with U. But if says ranked is match where you get player with equivalent skill, then do that. Ok smurfing is hard to stop. Always will be possible to make new account and start from the beggining.
But it is not so hard to mach equivalent players and if there is no eq. players then dont match them!!!
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