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Company of Heroes

Game of the year !!

#11c0mpl3x1ty  Nov 15 2016, 22:55 PM -
Replays: 178 Game:

I assume Pepsi didn't get FG42s because he made extensive use of ambush, and iirc the default K98s benefit far more from ambush bonuses than FG42s do.

Makes sense but TIL

I thought you must have switched armor paths because you wanted Calliopes for the inevitable 88, but then neither of you got them...felt like those Panthers were wasted without 88 support, and the ATGs were wasted without Calli support. But maybe it was all too next-level for me.
88s are too much of a liability, and easily killed by a fast AT gun push. Too expensive for the benefits, debateably doesn't scale well with vet for the fuel cost.
This post has been edited by c0mpl3x1ty: Nov 15 2016, 22:59 PM
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