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Company of Heroes


#1ShaolinFanstik  Jan 4 2022, 10:54 AM -
Replays: 39
More milk, less snipers
Lucky charms. 🎶They are magically delicious🎶
#2Contador  Jan 4 2022, 12:31 PM -
Good job beating this guy
#3MoreLuckPlease  Jan 4 2022, 16:32 PM -
Replays: 252 Game:
what a massacre n1qshok.gif biggrin.gif
#4pwnstick  Jan 4 2022, 23:18 PM -
Replays: 78
God damn, one hour and he never techs past Tier2.
#5Kaput12  Jan 5 2022, 18:31 PM -
Replays: 27
How its possible he only had t1 and t2 and extended game so much.... If he had pushed more center vpc I think he would had win but he played too much statically on left vpc. What I liked from this game was going air doc. gg wp shaolin.
#6U!LTRA  Jan 11 2022, 14:35 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
I don't understand why he just wouldn't get T3 or T4 LOL. Both P4s/Stugs could have been a big headache for you with that MASSIVE anti-infantry 0 AT build and constant 2x Crocodile Shermans you had invested in.. but he just kept spamming Snipers and exploding Schiwmmwagens lol. He also already had a great foothold on the left VP with good bunkering and a Flak and was almost controlling the center VP as well, I think with a couple of tanks he would even have a good chance at cornering you and laying siege to your base.

That being said he really did a good job at abusing his snipers. Also some nice usage of the Crocodile tank.
This post has been edited by U!LTRA: Jan 11 2022, 15:04 PM
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