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Company of Heroes

Called me maphacker :(

#1iKranksy  Dec 30 2017, 12:57 PM -
Replays: 173
Called a map hacker due to a machine gun play on Lorraine.

I turned my mg toward the base because of timing of 2nd squad... not map hack...
I had already suppressed 1st rifle on ammo
2nd would come in from base or that bottom lane
I had vision of top lanes so i knew nothing was coming from there
No one would send 2nd rifle to bottom if no combat
So the last lane would be from the base...
#2LeonOfich  Dec 30 2017, 15:02 PM -
Replays: 61
//Who cares that he called you a maphacker? Happens all the time to everyone.
#3bramfeldever  Dec 30 2017, 15:12 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
lol u hacked the game
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