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Company of Heroes

lvl16 staghound + roo pros vs rover/arxmariens

#1mariens  Jun 13 2012, 22:46 PM -
close game, with a little comeback, no wonder they had like 150-19 this shit is so hard to beat
#2charger71  Jun 13 2012, 23:43 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
#3nin3  Jun 14 2012, 00:39 AM -
Throw every bs to the axis, arty them to death and if they manage to come back somehow then:

Accuse them of cheating:
00:29:42 [Team] IIIITheBigRedOneIIII: hacker
00:35:12 [Team] IIIITheBigRedOneIIII: they see mine maphack 100%

Or just blame it on the game:
00:31:25 [Team] IIIITheBigRedOneIIII: is over axis is op in late
00:37:06 [All] IIIITheBigRedOneIIII: late game is joke

gg guys, imagine this without arty or you play allies, 10-15mins long game?
#4.maddoc.  Jun 14 2012, 15:39 PM -
I find it a peculiar coincidence that brits that abuse the most, also are the ones with the most fragile egos. Nin3 summarized it nicely, either blame game mechanics or hacks - that it could be your own incompetence is totally inconceivable.

However, the feeling of beating this staghound/arty parody is _almost_ worth the suffering while enduring it.
#5lllpershinglll  Jun 14 2012, 21:35 PM -
Replays: 2
#6crazychris  Jun 15 2012, 05:53 AM -
Replays: 76 Game:
played a good game vrs these guys a few days ago. Just posted it. Was actually pretty intense
#7RiSiN  Jun 17 2012, 12:31 PM -
Replays: 67 Game:
Removed trolling, and accusations. Stay on topic please.
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