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Company of Heroes

Budwise & Hissy vs Protez & Maximus OMG

#11SanchezIR  Dec 9 2011, 00:03 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Nice game. Brits got so blindly focused on taking those last VPs of yours, that they bled out and lost - in a rather stupid way, as they had decent map control and arty spam was proving efficient enough to hold on the upper hand.
#12ThisIsLag  Dec 9 2011, 12:46 PM -
Replays: 17 Game:
maximus and protez are the must fun u can have with double brits
proper skill and decent teamwork. great game overall..
#13jann13deluxe  Jan 25 2012, 00:37 AM -
Replays: 2 Game:
britts could/should have won on this brit-map. even with radiotrangulation on they didnt seem to care too much about re-capping where the axis were not. ofc i understand that it is hard when you have to look at so many things at once
#14ghebi  May 3 2012, 11:55 AM -
Replays: 0
maybe good
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