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Company of Heroes

[R4] [r4] Aimstrong vs Luckystilet Game 1 #1

Sturzdorf (2)
Sturzdorf (2)
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#1Aimstrong  Feb 5 2012, 19:12 PM -
#2Archijs1993  Feb 5 2012, 21:24 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
GG, well played smile.gif
#3HeiligZorn  Mar 28 2012, 21:40 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
this replay remembered me of my own wehrmacht play...of course, my gameplay isnt that brilliant than stilets one...

choosing the blitzkrieg doc without taking advantae of sormtroopers was unique i guess.

beginning starts with some good placed mines, where both sides try to detect them by targeting ground fire.

the game was reallly balanced until stilet initiated a big offense through the map to the the enemies base ( in fact he did not reach his base), so the tank war between stugs and hellcats started, also quiet balanced...stilet seems to not-look on stugs being raped by AT guns.

3 vet3 nebelwerfer made a good job...

aimstrong tried to counter the stug masses with airborne rangers, guess id have done the same. poor aimstrong: stilet countered those by calling a leutennant, which propagandaed (if this word exists... XD) them back to base.

well played on both sides gotta say...maybe fail doctrine of aimstrong...idk...u are the experts^^

wubbed of course...

id like to see this replay on rotw.

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