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GameReplays.org's BBCode Master Guide v3.119.0

Headings & Pagination

Heading 3: level-3 heading, use as your top-level heading

[h3]Heading 3: level-3 heading, use as your top-level heading[/h3]

Heading 4: level-4 heading, use as your second-level heading

[h4]Heading 4: level-4 heading, use as your second-level heading[/h4]

The h4 tag is NOT the same as using the b (bold) tag and a paragraph / linebreak!

Break: used on the portal to insert a pagebreak

For portal use ONLY! Does NOT work in the News Forums!

CSS Styling Properties
If you are using custom CSS styling properties, you must add the styling properties after every break tag again, since you also have multiple pages on the portal.

d1: used to insert a fancy looking divider


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