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Dark Crusade

Large scale fighting, imba orks >.>

#21Creep  Feb 23 2008, 13:44 PM -
@Ninjabutter: simply Creep

anyways awesome, thx for RoTW =)
#22Sovietpride  Mar 3 2008, 20:35 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
post hidden.

Either say something nice, or give advice.

Saying its a crap game means nothing, especially if you do not give any advice as to what could have been done.

On another note, where are *your* replays showing your *skills* that you claim one needs? <.<

no one wants a perfect game, because if that happens the outcome will always be the same, end on end.

Yes, losing my t1 units was a little noobish, but thats a bit harsh to say that my micro was completely shite.

Still, the community challanges you to post your own replays.
Either that, or give USEFUL, CONSTRUCTIVE, criticism.
Or just stfu.
This post has been edited by Sovietpride: Mar 3 2008, 20:36 PM
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