Monday, 6 Mar 2017
Relic has just sent an email to those on their mailing list announcing the release date for Dawn of War 3, the various editions of the game that will shipped out as well as pre-order bonuses.Dawn of War 3 is slated to be released on the 27th April 2017 on the PC. There will be a Standard, Limited...
Thursday, 2 Mar 2017
A new video in the Fog of War series for Dawn of War 3 has been released. This time around art director Matt Kuzminski and lead environment artist Tristan Brett talk about the environment. A lot of different worlds and styles are being shown and discussed. It is nice to hear the story behind and...
Saturday, 25 Feb 2017
Coming all of a sudden, the wild DoW 3 multiplayer beta has appeared! For those who have signed up for their newsletter, you would have gotten an e-mail giving you details on how to sign up for the beta. For those of us who don't have the beta there are fans sharing links and spreading the news....
Monday, 20 Feb 2017
Sega Entertainment have recently released brand new footage of Dawn of War 3 in a splendid new trailer called Prophecy of War. It is mostly a cinematic trailer, but it surely gets the hype up again! Check it out right here or in our video section: We are currently in the process of analyzing the...
Saturday, 7 Jan 2017
The folks over at PCPowerplay recently conducted an interview with Dawn of War 3 game director Philippe Boulle for the current issue of their magazine and they have uploaded part of it online for reading.Much can be gleamed from the interview, including the fact that the camera will be able to be...
Friday, 30 Dec 2016
Relic has released yet another installment of their Fog Of War video series in the lead-up to Dawn of War 3, this time titled "Cinematic Showcase" and focusing on Gabriel Angelos of the Blood Ravens, Farseer Macha of the Eldar and Warlord Gorgutz of the Ork who will be our main heroes for their...
Saturday, 24 Dec 2016
Seasons Greetings! All the members of the staff team would like to wish you a safe and very happy, healthy Christmas and New Year!We hope this year has been a good one for you, and we hope you have many alcohol-fuelled celebrations during this festive season and of course, to...
Wednesday, 30 Nov 2016
The folks over at PC Gamer have reported that SEGA are currently offering all owners of the original boxed copies of Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War free Steam keys. This means that if you have damaged your original disc and it has become unreadable, you would now be able to obtain a digital copy of...
Wednesday, 28 Sep 2016
Good Day! Here at we're looking for new Artists to join our game teams! When your a staff member at any level, you'll get some nice extra perks. These include a larger inbox and access to the staff areas of However Artists get some extra perks, which are basic...
Monday, 26 Sep 2016
More details for Dawn of War III are starting to emerge! Last week Relic posted a new "Unit Spotlight" article on one of the heroes for the upcoming game, making his all glorious psyker comeback from Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising and Retribution, the (former) Librarian of the Blood Ravens Chapter...