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Dawn of War 2

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Dawn of War 2 News


DoW 3 Rumours

Friday, 12 Sep 2014
It has been a little over three years since Dawn of War 2: Retribution and the community has gotten restless of their lack of a sequel. DoW 3 has been long overdue and it has gotten to the point where even Company of Heroes 2 announcements are filled with comments about what people want in the...

Elite Mod Patch 2.3

Thursday, 3 Jul 2014
The final version of 2.3 is now out. It contains a new map, some bug fixes and a few other small things. It's a full install with no other downloads needed and can be downloaded here.GeneralNew map: (2p) Imperial Plaza 1.0 (by Arbit)FixesSeer Council and Chosen Plague Marines now spawn a small...

Elite Mod Patch 2.3 RC1

Thursday, 19 Jun 2014
It has been about four months since the last patch, but it's finally here. Well, almost. The 2.3 patch was actually being privately beta tested before release since it's so huge and there have been some bugs that are delaying the final release. What we get now is not the final version, but...

Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 11

Monday, 3 Feb 2014
Coming after only a few days after beta 10, beta 11 comes. It is not a "hotfix", but seems to just be adding new art with a few small other changes. It is only 15 MB and beta 10 is needed to be installed first. You can download the latest patch here.GeneralAdded a version number to post-game...

Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 10

Thursday, 30 Jan 2014
The 2.2 beta 10 patch is now out and comes with a bunch of new models/portraits and tons of balance changes to every race. There is just a single full installer this time. You can download the new patch here.GeneralTentative fix to sync error when using Vindicare Assassin's passive...

Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 9

Sunday, 15 Dec 2013
The 2.2 beta 9 patch is now out and comes with some sexy new models by David-CZ. I have included pictures of the new models at the end of this post. To play you must download the beta 9 full installer and then then the beta 9 hotfix over that. You can download the new patch here.GeneralUpdated...

Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 8

Sunday, 24 Nov 2013
The new patch is out and, as expected of a new unit, the Vindicare Assassin seems to be the main focus. This is just a small update installer so you need beta 7 first and then you install the beta 8 on top of it. The new patch is a mere 8 MB and can be downloaded here.GeneralUpdated map: (6p)...

Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 7 and Vindicare Assassin

Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013
Beta 7 is now out and it comes with the much awaited Vindicare Assassin. It's a full installer for this patch and it's 478 MB. You can download the patch here.GeneralNew Grey Knight unit: Vindicare Assassin (art by Gray and Kilgarn)New portrait: Inquisitorial Storm Troopers (by Kilgarn)New...

Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 6

Wednesday, 30 Oct 2013
The sixth beta for this patch is mainly bug fixes and fixes some problems from beta 5 such as the Sentinel Stomp. It's a full installer and is 472 MB. You can download the patch here.GeneralFixed installer (missing Elite_beta.module)Updated map: (4p) Meridian High City 1.2 (by Max Power)Updated...

Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 5

Thursday, 17 Oct 2013
Sorry for being a few days late for the update, but here are the notes! The beta 5 is a full installer and can be downloaded here.GeneralNew map: (2p) Leviathan Eye 1.0 beta 4 (by Blessed Spartan)New map: (4p) Meridian High City 1.1 (by Max Power)New map: (6p) Meridian High City 1.2 (by Max...