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Dawn of War 2 News


Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 4

Sunday, 25 Aug 2013
In quick succession the betas 3 and 4 were pushed out and are now available for download. The beta 3 is a full install and 4 is an update so you have to download beta 3 first and then 4. You can download the patch here.Beta 3 and 4 NotesGeneral FixesActivated Power Nodes are no longer...

Elite Mod Patch 2.2 Beta 2

Monday, 12 Aug 2013
It has been a long three months since the last patch, but the long awaited 2.2 beta 2 has finally arrived. Well, to be honest about it there was a beta 1, but it wasn't played so it doesn't count! The changes posted below include the beta 1 changes in them as well. You can download the new patch...

New Replay System Features!

Saturday, 20 Apr 2013
Today, GameReplays.org is announcing a new feature for the replay system of every game. Guests may now upload their replays to any game's replay system. These replays are not visible to regular members via the replay index but can be shared directly via the URL of the particular replay. This...

Elite Mod Patch 2.1

Monday, 15 Apr 2013
The end of the beta phase has finally arrived and we're now at simply "2.1". It's a full release at 466 MB which should just take a few minutes to download. You can download the new patch here. Would just like to mention that there is currently an issue where Opera users may have an error while...

GameReplays Is Recruiting Writers!

Friday, 29 Mar 2013
Ever had an interest in the exciting field of gaming journalism? Or, more likely, want to be able to include a stint as a "video game industry journalist" on your resume? Then you're in luck, because we just fired most of our writers and are in search of new ones! Hooray!But what does a...

Elite Mod Patch 2.1 Beta 9

Monday, 25 Mar 2013
The 2.1 Beta 9 patch for the Elite mod is now out! It contains several new maps, some cosmetic changes, and quite a few balance tweaks. This patch is downloaded by a full installer rather than a patch and is a 432 MB file. Click here to download. General New map: (2p) Pale Tooth Gorge New map:...

Elite Mod Patch 2.1 Beta 8

Wednesday, 13 Mar 2013
It has only been two days since the last beta patch and beta 8 is now out. This patch is done as just an update so you don't have to download everything over again. If you already have beta 7 you just need to download a little 32.7 MB file and you're good to go. Click here to go to the download...

Elite Mod Patch 2.1 Beta 7

Monday, 11 Mar 2013
It turns out that the Elite mod is one of those games that are forever in beta which bring us to todays announcement of Elite mod 2.1 beta 7. It is, for the most part, just a bunch of bug fixes with a few Grey Knights changes added in. Click here to go to the download page.General Changes...

Beginner Training

Saturday, 2 Mar 2013
Community member, Lexsander, will be hosting some beginner training sessions for all those newbies out there. This is a great opportunity to learn the game as you'll be able to train with other beginners and won't have to deal with the pressure of playing against some skilled veteran. The...

Sega Buys Relic; THQ Auction Results

Wednesday, 23 Jan 2013
After filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection five weeks ago, game publisher THQ's assets went to the auction block today, resulting in several studios and titles changing hands. While some of the details are still being resolved at the time of this writing, the results are generally...