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Dawn of War 3

100% wins 1v2ing SM player posts ranked 3v3 replay

#1esleg  Oct 6 2017, 15:50 PM -
Replays: 5
Using my boring op SM build for a 1v2 in a ranked 3v3, from a superior player who has beaten all the top 'rank' players and scared them away.

I have 30 more recs of unique 1v2/1v3 wins and many more 1v1/3v3 wins but many are too old to be played (older versions), and don't save the best ones.

Also have Eldar 1v3/1v2 wins and other things but didn't save a lot of them. There's many variations you can use.

This is 'typical' not even my best. it just happened to be the last auto-saved win.
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