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Dawn of War 3

How a company can release a game like this?

Mork's Mire (2p)
Mork's Mire (2p)
#1Bigamo  Sep 23 2017, 23:32 PM -
Replays: 65 Game:
seriously this is RETARDED, aunoob as usual abusing to the max level. But its Relic fault as usual, people are pointing at Macha brokeness since freaking open beta and she NEVER got nerfed pluss reworked doctrines to imbanshees to make them more "viable".

#2S4ngetsu  Sep 24 2017, 11:46 AM -
Mhh i can see why you are mad at Macha. Auni really did abuse her abilities to the max.
But it's your own fault for not abusing SM mechanics.
Also banshee's quickstrike can be countered by splitting your units, any CC interrupts them for example your Gabe "W", Frag Grenade, ASM can jump away in time.
Macha's buff is too strong indeed, but the duration is kinda short so just run away while it's active and protect your units with Gabe W from quickstrike.
Also you didn't use op Dio and and no KT. The slow from KT is ridiculous as well as their AOE flamer hard coutners banshee's if executed well.

Funny game tho =)
#3Chokolata  Sep 25 2017, 06:21 AM -
Replays: 20
SM is stacked against Eldar if all else is equal. Bigamo, you refuse to abuse SM and thats why you lose to Eldar quite often sad.gif

I quite understand you bro.As I want to try out different things and lose stupidly sometimes.
#4jimraynortw  Sep 25 2017, 09:49 AM -
Replays: 18
The new banshee shield doctrine is not that good and Macha got nerfed once(the W's damage).

#5jimraynortw  Sep 25 2017, 09:49 AM -
Replays: 18
The new banshee shield doctrine is not that good and Macha got nerfed once(the W's damage).

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