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Dawn of War 3

AlwayzLame vs Spectre - Clickbait

Charon's Rest (2p)
Charon's Rest (2p)
#1AlwaysLame  Jun 6 2017, 03:26 AM -
Replays: 5
Seems like somehow the gen bug made me lose the previous game sad.gif this works better without! Good games Spectre < 3
#2Spectre  Jun 6 2017, 03:49 AM -
Fair players are better players, anyone could've told you that. Glad I could turn you from the dark side!
#3Risum  Jun 6 2017, 08:03 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
QUOTE(AlwaysLame @ Today, 07:26 AM)
Seems like somehow the gen bug made me lose the previous game sad.gif this works better without! Good games Spectre < 3

You was a great player in dow2 and it was sad to me to know that now you use the bug too. I hope that we will see more fair games in ladder.
#4Spell  Jun 6 2017, 08:33 AM -
Is this game played after the new hotfix? since all my old replays are gone biggrin.gif
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