Round 1a between BadDaddy8/ Chiefy01 vs. Passfail/ Provombe.
PnP pretty much destroyed us. We weren't aggressive enough early, and they both played fairly aggressive builds. It was a TB/ Sed mirror match, but Pass played a fire TB, whereas I played Teseer's TB. He got an early level advantage which gave him an extra 250ish damage on each fireball as we skirmished over the mana flag, making it hard for me to regain control. Same on the other side, where prozombe's Sedna had Pounce/ Silence early and a lot of speed vs. Chiefy's heal/ tank build. Ultimately, their speed advantage gave them the ability to control more flags and eventually were two WS ahead of us. Not a particularly competitive game.
started match with banded + scaled helm. fire tb. choose botf + fireball. at level 2 got fire aura. Baddaddy had much lower hp than him, so apparently fireball was a good approach. BD kept coming back in to drop rain of ice on him, but there were no major effects and pass was able to hold mana flag without any real concerns. at lv3 he got circle of fire. at 4 another level of fb. BD has been gone for about 1.5 minutes after he ran back to base... don't know what he was doing, but he didn't relane with tb until then. 4:35 sec in, pf is lv5, bd if 4. Fire aura 2 at lv5 for pf. anytime bd shows up, he gets fireballed, then chased with aa then fb again. he can't stand up to the dmg. 5:43 seconds in and pf has not had to go back to base yet. I noticed that pf's sedna is not microing monks for him at all... i don't think he's had a monk this entire time... suggestion - SEND A MONK TO YOUR TEAMMATE SEDNA. pf buys currency at 6:50 sec or so... 1 port + 1 chp. 7:51... bd escapes with like 2 hp... why the hell are neither sendas sending a monk to their tbs? looks like at least chiefy sent a monk at 8:50...
No deaths on either team at 10min in. 10:51 chiefy pulls a monk away from bd for no good reason... i notice that chiefy has twice as much hp as prozombe, yet he's running. I also look at prozombie's build for sed and wonder what he's doing. he has monks at 10:57, but no points in healing wind. I look at Chiefy's build on sed and it better in many ways at this point. At 11:15, bad daddy dies because of that monk monk that pulled away at 10:51. bd dies by about 8 hp. He should have been more cautious. at that point.
And I stopped watching at 12 min.
I restarted the replay now to watch and see if prozombe was microing monks at all... pz buys monks immediatey. He doesn't summon them until about 1 minute in. As of 2 min 30 sec, he hasn't sent a monk to his teammate. He's well aware of when to jump from flag to flag to recap though. At 5min;30 sec, he still hasn't sent 1 monk to this teammate. And so on... as of 8 min in, he's hasn't micro'd a monk yet.
pz was playing a speed sedna with some focus on being an assassin. I conclude after watching his playstyle that he's a very competent player with good map awareness, but that his best is certainly not sedna. He handled himself very well, but paid little attention to his teammate. This is fine if you and your partner have a high level of skill, but they won't be able to pull of a win in the high level games without mastering microing monks/bishops.
Not that i have anything to be proud of with this awful effort. However Baddaddy had a monk the entire game it was behind his tower, you must not have seen it.
True, my monk micro was not happening this game at all. Pass was doing quite good on his own which is why it didn't matter. Watching the replay, I found many ways to improve my game here. In the end, it was map control that won the game.
Not that i have anything to be proud of with this awful effort. However Baddaddy had a monk the entire game it was behind his tower, you must not have seen it.
Yeah - no offense meant. I was trying to skim through this match and provide some comments and I must have missed that.
True, my monk micro was not happening this game at all. Pass was doing quite good on his own which is why it didn't matter. Watching the replay, I found many ways to improve my game here. In the end, it was map control that won the game.
Glad to hear it. And yeah, you guys were better at map control.
Some other thoughts for you folks going into these tournament matches. My 2 cents is that it might be highly advisable to wait before picking a favor item to counter the other team. I can tell you for certain that if it was me vs pass's tb and I saw him go fire + botf, I would have chosen botf - especially if I had a monk and he did not.
Thats kinda what i did against him. I KNEW he was going teseers build and fire tb is really strong against that one. Baddaddy walked in and traded damage with fireballs and rain of ice. This means I win as i faster due to aura and I got way higher hp.
When he walked in and did rain of ice, that meant i took 200 damage and he took 300 from fireball. Not a good trade.
This post has been edited by Passfail: Apr 25 2010, 20:30 PM
Hopefully we get to play, then. Fire TB's were always my...preferred targets. You didn't get interrupted once. That right there changes EVERYTHING about the build.
PnP pretty much destroyed us. We weren't aggressive enough early, and they both played fairly aggressive builds. It was a TB/ Sed mirror match, but Pass played a fire TB, whereas I played Teseer's TB. He got an early level advantage which gave him an extra 250ish damage on each fireball as we skirmished over the mana flag, making it hard for me to regain control. Same on the other side, where prozombe's Sedna had Pounce/ Silence early and a lot of speed vs. Chiefy's heal/ tank build. Ultimately, their speed advantage gave them the ability to control more flags and eventually were two WS ahead of us. Not a particularly competitive game.