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RAWRRRR / Kalel vs Howboutnoooo / Grahf666 2

#1RAWRRRR  Apr 25 2010, 22:06 PM -
Replays: 29 Game:
Game 2, not very exciting. We picked qot / beast, they went tb / occ as a counter. First time playing qot / beast, but didn't get much practice when they conceded after death 2 and we were both lvl 10 while they were lvl 8.
#2pacov  Apr 26 2010, 21:24 PM -
Replays: 30 Game:
Based on rawrrrr's comments, I assume this will be somewhat dull, but I'm going to review this from grah's pov and provide some feedback. Grah buys banded, 1 tp, 1 chp, and choose bots right out of the gates. gets rain of ice at lv 1, fireball at 2. Oddly, he's laning against qot on the health flag instead of ub on mana. I noticed that occ is doing a great job of keeping kale's ub at bay initially, but he just sitting on the mana flag forcing tb to float between HP and xp... as of 3 min in, tb can't dislodge the qot on the hp flag. at 3:24, he gets hp flag because qot wandered to mid, then he hits lv4 and gets another fb + roi. Now he has a little more staying power. As of now, though, rawrrr and kalel are lv5 and grah and how are lv4. at 4:09, grah is alone on the hp flag (his team owns it) and he hits lv5 and buys 1 lvl of deep freeze. He worked on the tower and got it down to about 2800 when qot comes back and he's running. He gives up the health flag without any sort of fight, which is a little strange to me considering rawrrr with in open form, 1600 hp or so and no shield... I suppose that matchup could have gone either way, but I'd have fought a little methinks.

at about 5minutes in, how gets dislodged by kalel and returns to the base. Grah decides to port in now, i guess just to keep the flag as there really isn't any kill op. Grah pushes ub back for a moment, but rawrr shows up with a shield for ub immediately and they chase him right out. Kind of a no brainer that would happen as rawr and kalel control 2 flags and simply need the 1 tb is standing on to hold the 3 mid flags. at 5:37, grah miscast his bots and gets no mana for roi... this leaves him with 149 mana. So, he gets to watch while rawrr and kale tear up one of their towers. Then, how strolls in and looks threatening and rawrr+kale start to back up, but grah has no mana, so he ain't going to be able to do much if they do fight. Doesn't matter, though, as rawr + kale back off.

At 7:13, tb hits lv 7 and specs another level of fb + roi. I believe he buys cur1 for the team at 8min or so. He gets nimoth armor for himself but can't buy another tp scroll - and he's back out to fight... this time, both he and occ are on the hp flag together and push out kale with ease (as he's solo atm) and kill one of the other teams towers). I notice too, that how and grah's team are down in warscore (1900 vs 2600 at 8:56sec), that neither of them have locks. Seems like it might be useful to lock and leave say... the health flag. Instead, oc stays on hp solo while tb runs to mid to get another flag back. The outcome will be occ getting run off and then losing the hp flag. At 9:26, rawrr has retaking the hp flag and kalel is chasing down tb. Tb makes it out without issue, but they lose another tower. At 10:05, tb and occ are retaking hp again. tb heads back to base and buys a port and unbreakable boots. I notice that kalel is on the other side of the map, simply farming a lane of creeps. Might as well. both teams meet up at the middle at 11:05. I can already tell before the combat starts that this won't end well --- but, i spoke to soon. Oc makes it to safety with 200 hp. oh, at lv 8, tb spec'd lv1 frost nova.

At about 12 min, occ is fighting on his flag vs ub at middle. ub is pretty close to full hp. tb decides to port in for some reason. This makes rawrrr want to show up. And they spam quite a bit of damage on oc and kill him. Rawr and kale continue to control the map. Tb recharges, buys 1 level of armory (?) and get's himself another port. Not sure why he didn't just anything useful for himself or a lock as, prior to buying armory 1, he had 2200 gold.

At about 14 min in, oc engages qot at mid and does a good amount of damage. This time, tb is distracted by kalel who's pounding on towers and doesn't go to assist or for the kill on qot - he'd have likely sigiled anyway, so it probably didn't matter. anyway, occ overpursues qot, ub comes up and spams damage. occ starts to port away. rawrrr and kale imediately switch targets and nuke grah, who dies.

Its 14:39 seconds - grah (lv 8) + how (lv 8) - 1 death a piece, no kills. Ws 3191(4). rawr (lv 10) + kale (lv 10) - 2 kills for kale, no deaths. Ws 4579(6). I'm thinking the concede is about to happen. Yup. game over at 14:46. The game definitely could have gone on longer, but they needed to change tactics.

So - feedback. You can really see the frustration that rawrrrr can cause. grah was at one point trying to retake mid... he gets is ALMOST half capped, then rawrrr shows up... so grah runs to the mana flag to try to cap that. Rawrrrr is immediately on him. Rawrrr does a good job of utilizing the ank of speed on qot. I don't really understand alot of the decisions that were made by grah, though. Porting in a few times when there wasn't really a kill op, their team struggling in struggling in ws, but not picking up locks until VERY late in the game (when they are down by like 1000 in ws). They just didn't do anything to force rawrrrr and kalel to change their rhythm up. I think they would have been a little better off laning opposite of what they did initially. The game was essentially watching rawrrr and kalel wear down the other team until they had nothing left.

#3McShane87  Apr 27 2010, 06:19 AM -
Replays: 54
Lol Rawrr let TB half cap flags and then pushed him off of them? That sneaky bastard!
#4Grahf666  Apr 28 2010, 16:53 PM -
Replays: 2
Yeah, i have played really poorly that game, but i can use for my excuse that i was sleepy and we had no coordination becouse of no voice chat : P
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