Whats the advantage to taking diseased claws prior to Inner Beast? Plus 4% move is the same thing as decreasing their speed 4 % right? Why not get the attack speed as well?
I think it is 4%slow to 3% speed, it is small difference. but slow would allow your mates to chase to target as well. both options can be good. And ehmm, just felt like answering, didn't watch the replay.
Isn't the first level of diseased claws a 5% slow? Pretty sure it goes 5, then 7, then 10 and inner beast goes 3%, 7%, 10%. I always like to take at least on level of diseased.
DA was pretty sick for most of this replay. I enjoyed the short range swap that saved Oak's life during a port against UB. Also, Cow you were the biggest bitch to kill that game, lmao!
Jaws + Cow/ Ub + QoT Vs Ruins + Wong/ Oak + DA
Game went to Cow + Jaws