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#1RAWRRRR  May 10 2010, 02:21 AM -
Replays: 29 Game:
Not very exciting, first blood very late. Mostly just map control, taking towers down, and getting creeps to end it. Game ended with Ke5 and Teseer not quite able to buy cats and we finally picked up a kill to get a portal that we didn't need.
#2Teseer  May 10 2010, 18:02 PM -
Replays: 25 Game:
I'll tell ya, I didn't expect that combo.

Then again, in the state I was in, I didn't expect anything, lol.

I must of gone back to the shop like 4 times to get unbreakables when I already had em, lol.
#3Teseer  May 10 2010, 18:02 PM -
Replays: 25 Game:
Double post. I'm still outta it, gimme a break, haha
This post has been edited by Teseer: May 10 2010, 18:04 PM
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