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Renz/Mith vs Zen/Koush -Tourney match 1-

#1ThatGuyYouLove  May 30 2010, 01:55 AM -
Replays: 20
What a great match, things were done wrong by us but this was a very enjoyable match, we both wanted the win.
#2gL-Mithrandar  May 30 2010, 02:04 AM -
Replays: 11
A couple of epic moments in that game

i know i managed to run away with like 50 hp after a fireball
#3Zen_God  May 30 2010, 02:48 AM -
Replays: 33
Man that fireball of renz on me after i locked the portal and sigil ran out made me so mad xD

I was going to buy giants and push off Mith with koush while our citadel had 8k hp .
Very good game on their behalf though.
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