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3v3 Per Kalel's Request - Victory with an AI

#1pacov  Oct 6 2009, 04:16 AM -
Replays: 30 Game:
Here's a 3v3 that Kalel asked me to post. About 5 minutes in, my game kinda crashed as evidenced by the new, fun connectivity screen that never goes away (but you can still chat with everyone). I spent a few minutes trying to crash the game so everyone can keep playing as it looks like the problem was on my side. Anyway, apparently the other team made some comments about being willing to wait out the connectivity screen indefinitely (eg YAY - we can beat down the other team now that they have a AI)... everyone on my team was convinced that wasn't a possibility and pulled out a victory with an unclean beast AI.
#2Ragnared  Oct 7 2009, 20:38 PM -
Replays: 8
It was a fun game!
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