Not that it matters, but there are currently only 7 and 1/2 capable ub's in this game, which was not in this game. So I'm not surprised with the outcome at all. Rook is so much easier to play. And on top combined with Oak & Erebus really not difficult to win even with a few deaths early on. Also, the term pro is way overused in our community. We are getting there, but no one is pro yet.
@mith renz makes me shiver
This post has been edited by Zen_God: Nov 5 2010, 17:24 PM
Alright so first of all. I've never lost to you ruip, so you are not a worthy oppenent to me, but whatever helps you sleep at night. Second.. Zen God.. tsk tsk tsk... the guy who thinks ooze ub is retarded? I've got two responses... 1. Get off ruips dick, and 2. for that comment about ooze being reatrded.. YOU my (non) friend, are a re tarrrddee.
Alright so first of all. I've never lost to you ruip, so you are not a worthy oppenent to me, but whatever helps you sleep at night. Second.. Zen God.. tsk tsk tsk... the guy who thinks ooze ub is retarded? I've got two responses... 1. Get off ruips dick, and 2. for that comment about ooze being reatrded.. YOU my (non) friend, are a re tarrrddee.
Alright so first of all. I've never lost to you ruip, so you are not a worthy oppenent to me, but whatever helps you sleep at night. Second.. Zen God.. tsk tsk tsk... the guy who thinks ooze ub is retarded? I've got two responses... 1. Get off ruips dick, and 2. for that comment about ooze being reatrded.. YOU my (non) friend, are a re tarrrddee.
The whole mystery with the ooze ub is the hp, that you can get with any spit/ooze ub as well. The only way the ooze ub can pay out is very very late game when auto attack (artifacts) is the only thing that counts. But trust me if you happen to play one of the 7 1/2 ub's I know and the teams are kind of even you will fail 99% of the time. If 5v5s would work more builds in that direction would work, but not in 3v3s.
Lol the problem here is the lingo, Ooze UB shouldn't be called ooze UB, should be called no spit UB. Calling it Ooze makes the hybrid UB who gets spit + ooze look like the dummy because it leads people to think that he's not oozing when in fact he is oozing just as much. The proper way to play UB is spit + ooze simultaneously. FC-Hydro is under the impression that you're playing a spit only UB zen because you're calling ooze UB retarded, when really you're calling "no spit UB" retarded.
Lol the problem here is the lingo, Ooze UB shouldn't be called ooze UB, should be called no spit UB. Calling it Ooze makes the hybrid UB who gets spit + ooze look like the dummy because it leads people to think that he's not oozing when in fact he is oozing just as much. The proper way to play UB is spit + ooze simultaneously. FC-Hydro is under the impression that you're playing a spit only UB zen because you're calling ooze UB retarded, when really you're calling "no spit UB" retarded.
well i'm using cow's terminology, since he invented it. But thank you for clarifying.
Also, the term pro is way overused in our community. We are getting there, but no one is pro yet.
renz makes me shiver