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50 minute game - high level 3v3 premade play

#1playgroundlegend  Oct 20 2009, 23:24 PM -
Replays: 15
High level premade play. Everytime we got an advantage, kalel would die and the other team would take control. See-saw battle. Citadels at no health. Grab a snack, it's a looooooong game.

Playgroundlegend and Diceareevil are premade, we picked up kalelsmx for the match as morpheas was not online, thank you kalel.
This post has been edited by playgroundlegend: Oct 20 2009, 23:25 PM
#2abuggeredhedgie  Oct 21 2009, 01:45 AM -
Strictly speaking, I wouldn't call Janook part of my premade as well. However, he performed admirably and have no issues with his play style as well. We simply haven't played enough for me to comfortably call him part of my 'premade'.

Excellent game, the game was lost by a poor tactical decision to rush their right portal flag, resulting in a team death. I managed to save the portals that you were pushing for but we still lost flag control and gave your team a fair amount of gold.

We should have just won slow and steadily as we were doing, holding the entire map and slowly kiting ourselves up.

We also had a massive portal-control fumble at the end of the game, after I came back to life I wasn't paying attention to portals and KALELs and Dice's double-portal rush went completely unopposed. We also probably could have rushed your citadel earlier: at one point is was down to 6k hp while ours was at full. We probably could have suicided on it and gotten it down the rest of the way before we died. Shows anyone watching this how in high-level play one large screw-up can cost you the game.

However, both sides had excellent map awareness and was an excellent game, well played and looking for a rematch to complete the 'best out of 3' circuit.
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