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Heroes of Newerth

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Heroes of Newerth Features and Articles

The Heroes of Newerth Beginner's Guide

Hero Tier List - March 2012

Monday, 2 Apr 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to the March Hero Tier List!This List keeps track of the heroes used by the competitive teams and is based on data collected from the official matches between these competitives teams - which means scrims aren't used to build this list. Since the list is built manually,...

Pro Patch Review:

Sunday, 25 Mar 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to this new Pro Patch Review! Today we'll discuss about the changes introduced in the patch 2.5.16. The balance patch being quite short, we decided to ask a few players about the changes and let you read the different opinions about those changes! Big shoutout to...

Pro Patch Review: Darkwonyx on 2.5.14

Thursday, 15 Mar 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to this new Pro Patch Review! Today, it’s Darkwonyx from Team It’s Gosu who is going to join us and answer our questions about the latest patch!Change:Andromeda- Comet manacost lowered from 110/120/130/140 to 105/115/125/135- Voip Rip cooldown decreased from 70/60/50 to...

Hero Tier List - February 2012

Friday, 2 Mar 2012
Hello guys and welcome to this month's Hero Tier List!The Tier List is, as you might know, a way to keep track of the heroes used by the competitive teams and is based on data collected from the official matches between these competitives teams - which means scrims aren't used to build this list....

Pro Patch Review: Fly on 2.5.12

Wednesday, 29 Feb 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to the new Pro Patch Review. Today we will ask Fly, from FnaticRaidcall, about the latest changes made in the patch 2.5.12.ItemsChange:Savage Mace- No longer works with Split AttacksBrutalizer- No longer works with Split Attacks Danelaan : Let’s start with the change...

Hero Tier List - January 2012

Saturday, 4 Feb 2012
Hello again and welcome to a new edition of the Hero Tier List!Since it has been a while, first and foremost let me remind you of the purpose of this list: this list is based on data collected during the month by your humble servant, data that can be found just below. The Tiers aren't reflecting...

Pro Patch Review: Kubrick on 2.5.8

Wednesday, 25 Jan 2012
Hello everyone and welcome to a new Pro Patch Review. Today we spoke with Kubrick, from Team Inclement, who also happens to be a Super Beta Tester, about the last changes made to Heroes of Newerth in the 2.5.8 patch.ItemsDanelaan: Let’s start with items: Genjuro is an item recently added by S2....

HoN and the Issue with Tanks

Tuesday, 24 Jan 2012
A couple of months back, if you told anyone that Tanks were dominating the competitive Meta Game they would have either called you a troll, told you that Tanks don't exist or that you should crawl back into your 1200 MMR dumpster.The topic of tanks has always lead to heated discussions, so we...

Heroes of Newerth Director Talks About Mentoring

Thursday, 24 Nov 2011
A recently published article on PC Gamer revealed that S2 Games has extensive plans for a mentoring project for Heroes of Newerth. The interview can be read below.As action-RTS Heroes of Newerth prepares to introduce new features and a few surprises at Dreamhack, Director of Operations Brad Bower...

Competitive HoN Weekly Report: November 17

Thursday, 17 Nov 2011
There has been a flurry of action in the HoN competitive scene over the past week as teams prepare to compete for the big prize money at DreamHack Winter. Here's a brief overview of recent results, and check the bottom of the page for information regarding upcoming competition dates!North...