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Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Kane's Wrath 1.03/One Vision Mod Olympics

By phantom9399 - 26th August 2024 - 14:07 PM

�� **Announcing the Olympic Style Tournament: Featuring 1.03 and One Vision Mod!** ��

**GameReplays.org** is thrilled to partner with **Command Post** to bring you an epic Olympic-style tournament featuring two iconic mods: **1.03** and **One Vision**! Rally your team, sharpen your skills, and get ready to compete for medals, points, and a massive prize pool!

### �� **Tournament Overview:**

- **Tournament Format** Players will create a team of 3 to compete in these events. The players can participate in as many tournaments as they want to earn points for the team. A team may earn multiple points if their players place in the top 3 of an event. Team substitions are not allowed once the tournament has started.

- **Player Ranking:** Players will be ranked from 1-10 based on their average skills across these game modes. A team must have a total rank less then 22 to be able to participate in these events.

- **Scoring:**
- **1st Place (Gold):** 3 Points
- **2nd Place (Silver):** 2 Points
- **3rd Place (Bronze):** 1 Point
- **Separate Point Tallies** for 1.03 and One Vision Mods
- **Overall Winner Bonus:** $15 USD ($5 per player) for the team with the highest total points across both mods!

### �� **Prize Pool: Sponsored by CGF/Command Post** ��

- **Total Prize Pool:** $495 USD
- **Per Mod (1.03 & One Vision): $240 USD each**
- **1st Place:** $120 USD ($40 per player)
- **2nd Place:** $90 USD ($30 per player)
- **3rd Place:** $30 USD ($10 per player)
- **Overall Points Winner:** $15 USD ($5 per player)

### **Events Schedule:**

Compete in as many events as possible to maximize your points and chances of winning big!

**1.03 Events:**
- **14th Sep 1200 GMT:** 1.03 1vs1
- **15th Sep 1200 GMT:** 1.03 1vs1 Random Only
- **21st Sep 1200 GMT:** 1.03 2vs2
- **22nd Sep 1200 GMT:** 1.03 3vs3

**One Vision Events:**
- **28th Sep 1200 GMT:** One Vision 2v2
- **29th Sep 1200 GMT:** One Vision 1v1
- **5th Oct 1200 GMT:** One Vision 1v1 Random Only
- **6th Oct 1200 GMT:** One Vision 3v3

### **Tournament Format:**

- **Single Elimination** with a **3rd Place Play-off**
- **All rounds:** Best of 3 (BO3) until the finals
- **Finals and 3rd Place Play-off:** Best of 5 (BO5)

### **Map Pool:**

- **1.03 Events:** Any map from the 1.03 map packs suited to the format.
- **One Vision Events:** Any map from the SD packs and official maps suited to the format.

### **Important Rules:**

- The Official Ladder Wars tournament rules will apply. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with them [here](https://www.gamereplays.org/kaneswrath/portals.php?show=page&name=commandandconquer-kaneswrath-ladder-rule-update-2023).

### **How to Sign Up:**

You have three options to sign up for these exciting events:
1. **Via the events tab on Command Post:** 1.03 Link and One Vision Link
2. **Register through the dedicated thread on Gamereplays.org/Kaneswrath.here
3. **Message phantom9399 on Discord,** expressing your intent to participate.


**Get your teams ready and prepare to compete for glory, medals, and cash prizes!** This is your chance to shine in an Olympic-style tournament featuring two of the most beloved mods in the community. Don’t miss out—sign up today! ��||

Best of luck to all participants!

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