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Kanes Wrath

Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Strategy Index

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General Strategy Links

Every week, GameReplays.org tries to publish one short strategy tip, our Tip of the Week, which usually deals with one particular aspect of the game. In addition, we make longer strategy guides, which address more complex topics in greater depth.

IPB Image Chronological Strategy Index: A rolling index of all tips and guides.
IPB Image Chronological Tip-of-the-Week Index: A rolling index of tips only.
IPB Image The Strategy Forums: The place to discuss strategies.

Game Information Links

IPB ImageUnit tree: A complete unit tree for Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath.
IPB Image Technology Tree: A tech tree of all structures, units, upgrades and support powers both for Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath.
IPB Image Game Information: The complete game information section on GameReplays.org for Kane's Wrath.

Other Links

IPB ImageTiberium Wars Portal: The predecessor to Kane's Wrath, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, has its own distinct gameplay and storyline, as well as its own portal on GameReplays.org.
IPB Image Forum Index: This listing shows all the forums on GameReplays.org dedicated to Kane's Wrath.
IPB ImageScreenshots: A collection of artwork and screenshots for Kane's Wrath.

Steel Talons
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Strategy Forums

Black Hand
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Strategy Forums

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Strategy Forums

Most Important Support Powers Guide
Most Important Upgrades Guide
EMP Master Guide
Epic Unit Guide
Countering Scorpion Spam
Tournament Decision Guide
Unleashed's Traveler-59 Master Guide (T59 only)
Defending Tiberium Fields
Economy Guide
RepGuide Nod vs Scrin
Lepricon's RTS Skill Guide
Mastermind/Prodigy Guide (T-59/vScrin only)
Beam Cannon Master Guide (Nod, BH, MoK only)
Countering Tank Spam Guide
GDI Anti Aircraft Guide
Marked of Kane: More Than Just Cyborgs (MoK only)
Map Guide: Tournament Rift

All Factions
#2 Countering Epic units
#10 Map Awareness and Scouting
#11 Leading Your Shots
#13 Harvester Micro
#14 Base Defense Positioning
#16 The Mouse and Contextual Tab
#17 Crushing vehicles
#19 Countering All-In Strategies
#20 Attack or Not?
#21 New Economy Build Orders
#22 Countering the BloodhoundRush
#24 Drafting
#29 Tier 4
#32 Identifying Upgraded (GDI) Units
#33 Identifying Upgraded Nod Units
#34 Identifying Upgraded Scrin Units
#41 Directional Armor
#42 The Four W's of Expanding
#45 Cheat Prevention
#46 Formation move
#52 Countering the Disintegrator Rush
#53 Strategic building placement
#57 Fighting for the Spikes
#58 Heavy Infantry
#60 Everything to do with Stealth
#62 Hotkeys
#70 Countering Orcas
#73 Countering Juggernaut/Rig Turtle
#75 Counter Nod Attack Bike Rush/Spam
#76 Cannon damage
#77 Countering Reckoners
#78 Sniper Damage
#80 Countering Devourer/Corrupter Rush + MCV move
#81 Grenade Damage
#82 Anti-Infantry Turrets
#84 Rocket Damage
#87 Gun Damage
#97 Countering Firehawks
#99 Map Control
#100 Mythbusters
#101 Opening Tactics
#112 Waypointing unit abilities with hotkeys

#3 Railgun Accelerators (ST only)
#4 The Titan (ST only)
#7 The Hammerhead
#9 Mines
#12 Call for Transport
#15 Silos
#23 Effective Stratohawk Usage
#26 Sensor Pods
RepGuide Sneaky Titan Harvester Crushing (ST only)
#27 All-In GDI Strategies
#28 GDI Build Order for Tournament Tower
#30 Healing Units in the Field
#31 Foxholes
#35 Aggressive Steel Talon Expansion (ST only)
#36 Orca Strike
#39 ZOCOM Orcas (ZOCOM only)
#40 Cliff Jumpers
#43 New Orca Tactics
#44 The Wolverine (ST only)
#49 MARV tactics
#54 The Slingshot
#55 S.R.F and Laser Fences
#63 Shatterer tactics (Not for ST)
#65 ZOCOM Hammerhead tactics (ZOCOM only)
#66 Adaptive Armor Tactics (ST only)
#67 Orbital Strike
#69 GDI Tier 3 & 4 Support Powers
#72 Firehawks
#74 Steel Talons Gambits (ST only)
#83 Hammerhead Kiting
#85 GDI Scouting and Anti-Scouting
#90 Slingshot Crushing
#92 Orca Micromanagement
#98 Advanced CFT Tactics
#103 Juggernaut Duels (Not for ZOCOM)
#105 The armory
#107 Mobile Repair Transport (Steel Talons only)
#110 Ox Transport Waypoint mode
#113 The Rig Rush

#5 The Reckoner
#9 Mines (Not for BH)
#12 Call for Transport
#15 Silos
#18 All-In Strategies for Nod
#25 Effective Specter Bombing
#37 Tiberium Troopers (MoK only)
#38 The All-In Shadow Team Rush
#48 Redeemer Tactics
#51 Decoy Army revised
#55 S.R.F and Laser Fences
#68 Stealth Tanks (Not for BH)
#71 Tiberium Troopers: Revisited.
#79 Black Hand Man Spam (BH only)
#89 Nod Scouting and Anti-Scouting
#95 Effective Bike Strategies
#98 Advanced CFT Tactics (Not for BH)
#102 Flame Weapons (Not for MoK)
#106 Vertigo Bombers
#108 Understanding the Enlightened (MoK only)
#109 Proper use of Booby Traps
#111 The Purifier (BH only)
#114 The Black Hand's Mantis (BH only)

#1 Mechapede Micro
#6 Ravagers
#8 Cultists (T59 only)
#30 Healing Units in the Field
#40 Cliff Jumpers
#47 Ion Storms
#50 Eradicator Tactics
#56 The Drone Platform
#59 Scrin early game support
#61 The Phase Field
#64 Countering APC Combos as Traveler (T59 only)
#86 Advanced Mechapede Tactics
#88 Countering Dev/Corr as Traveler-59
#91 Stasis Shield
#93 Stormriders
#94 Breaking Nod Turtles with Reaper
#96 Scrin Scouting and Anti-Scouting

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