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Kanes Wrath

23. My ally got so pissed off he left!

#1EdwardCookie  Mar 9 2020, 01:28 AM -
Replays: 175
An extremely surreal 2v2, where one of our opponents decides to give up for seemingly no apparent reason.

However, my ally, unable to bear the loss of his base defenses and shocked at the prospect of being attacked, decided to give up as well soon after!

Around the same time, I managed to capture some of my opponents structures and start to use his own technology against him!

This provokes a response and the opponent sends his tripods straight into my base in an effort to crush me once and for all!

However, his plan all but fails and instead all his tripod husks get commandeered by my saboteurs!

What was initially a 2v2, evolves instead into a deadly 1v1! But who will win this insane high stakes games of anything goes? A truly topsy turvy match that will have you on the edge of your seat!
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