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Kanes Wrath

Epic Comeback by Andre`

#1eXs.bLoOd  May 1 2012, 20:16 PM -
Herotic Vertigo does it.

Much more then well played.!
#2The Shield  May 2 2012, 12:36 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Really nice Andre

#3Mozaik  May 2 2012, 15:55 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Wow game.Power of the stealth is really well used by andre.

When you are watching the replay u may not notice couse you see all units and there is no fog of war.But there are really wise moves by andre.

Spoiler alert;
The funniest part of the game was cultist harrasment by Enosh. =))
#4Commander*NR*  May 2 2012, 16:09 PM -
Going to watch this game when i get bk home.
#5Flames1972  May 3 2012, 20:25 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
Top game :0
#6Masterleaf  May 3 2012, 21:12 PM -
Replays: 100 Game:
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