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Kanes Wrath

Khufu v LeOwNzAll

#11Replaysystem  Aug 26 2008, 19:05 PM -

Replays: 0

A new review is available for this replay.Please click Here to view Niai's review, who gave it a score of 6.5
#12InsideRxBandit  Aug 26 2008, 23:42 PM -
Replays: 35
A lot of people have been asking about more replays from this tournament, so I've posted them all here on gr.org.

If you need a list of the matches to find the ones you'd like to watch, check this link: http://www.evga.com/forums/tt.asp?forumID=...e=1&smode=1
#13Defeat  Aug 27 2008, 05:39 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
I'd kind of like to see more matches on this map.
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