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Plat vs Silver; when counterjungling goes wrong

#1Feanor  Jul 27 2013, 10:05 AM -
Replays: 48 Game:
A game started in the Platinum vs Silver chatroom.

We want to invade red but we are caught and first blood goes to the top Kha'Zix. I (as Evelynn jungler) have a terrible hard time recovering from this because nobody helps me leash and I almost die to double golems.

We win because of several things:
  • Kha'Zix didn't buy after he got first blood, so Kayle could decimate him
  • Nobody helped Shen to do red even though he took Taunt at level 1 so I easily outleveled him
  • Shen also didn't do his blue for ages, if I would have acted faster, I could have stolen it easily.
  • Kha'Zix doesn't know how to play passively.
  • Best time for a gank, is right when you just ganked (Janna didn't understand that, even though I did it three times in a row).
  • When you see you are counterjungled, you ward your buffs and try to catch some people of guard.
  • Don't try to fight 1v1 when you are more than 1 level behind or when you have back up coming (but not too far away).
  • Don't do dragon when mid has been killed by a three man gank squad.

Some other tips might be useful, so anybody who watches this can add them!
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