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League of Legends

Solo Q with vayne Plat1/Dia V

#1DevM  Oct 10 2013, 00:49 AM -
A game I did with my second account, to show how a "perfect game" with vayne should go.
#2Feanor  Oct 10 2013, 20:23 PM -
Replays: 48 Game:
Wasn't this lane ultra hard? Tristana easily outtrades you, let alone the Annie.
#3DevM  Oct 10 2013, 20:30 PM -
Wasn't this lane ultra hard? Tristana easily outtrades you, let alone the Annie.

Yes the lane is heavily favored for them, although janna was probably a good pick here since her shield denies tristana's E, although at level6 they still have the potential to burst me down.
#4G-Dolf  Feb 25 2014, 13:32 PM -
Replays: 0
Holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shit that Janna was awesome.
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