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League of Legends

Shaco 5on5 1600 Elo Premade Team

#1Vuffy  Jan 5 2012, 17:22 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
In this game i played Shaco with my premade Team Leisure.
#2Feanor  Jan 6 2012, 00:52 AM -
Replays: 48 Game:
I love Shaco and he's a fantastic jungler, I'll watch this game tomorrow!
#3Feanor  Jan 6 2012, 13:14 PM -
Replays: 48 Game:
A good game, your early game ganks were brutal as they should be when playing Shaco. You wasted a lot of time running around and doing nothing which did set you back although you had the edge early game.

A good Dragon steal.

Don't chase Irelia's with Guardian Angel wink.gif

Also tell your Riven to man up and whine a little less and not to break his headset.

I wubbed this replay because your Shaco play was really enjoyable!
This post has been edited by Feanor: Jan 6 2012, 13:24 PM
#4Feanor  Jan 7 2012, 22:27 PM -
Replays: 48 Game:
Popular replay ;D
#5EmperorHannibal  Jan 7 2012, 22:33 PM -
Vuffy 2gud <3
#6ThaREM  Jan 10 2012, 22:33 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
Wait... shaco, morgana and graves on the same team with niether banned? How is that even possible?
#7Feanor  Jan 15 2012, 20:00 PM -
Replays: 48 Game:
Could be a normal not draft game
#8Vuffy  Jan 15 2012, 20:53 PM -
Replays: 15 Game:
nope it was ranked premade with bans and stuff. the enemys just banned stronger heroes in 5on5 premade like maokai and stuff
#9ThaREM  Jan 17 2012, 01:58 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
nope it was ranked premade with bans and stuff. the enemys just banned stronger heroes in 5on5 premade like maokai and stuff

Cant see those being worse then shaco. I can predict the winner of this game without watching it, in fact I can bet good money on it.
#10Squaggle  Jan 27 2013, 18:26 PM -

nope it was ranked premade with bans and stuff. the enemys just banned stronger heroes in 5on5 premade like maokai and stuff

Cant see those being worse then shaco. I can predict the winner of this game without watching it, in fact I can bet good money on it.

Doesn't mean much, very few people would post a replay of them losing.
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