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League of Legends

Heat n Serve - Taric - Unranked - Arranged 4 (W)

#1heatnserve  Aug 9 2011, 01:21 AM -
Replays: 20 Game:

Another game showcasing my build from my Taric guide: http://tinylc.com/Tp

I think this game has some shining examples of how powerful movement speed can be on Taric, especially when I push down mid tower and manage to make it to the top lane to assist in some kills. It also shows how clarity can help sustain a push and help out other teammates with mana dependencies (Ashe, Brand). In this game, I finish a Deathcap before Shurelya's (which I've been doing a lot lately). Thus, there aren't many examples of good uses for the item's active ability, save for a fight near Baron: we caught the enemy Brand out of position and then I Shurelya-ed to help chase down their team.
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