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League of Legends

Jarvan Ranked Premade 3

#1NadeDawg  Jul 19 2011, 19:01 PM -
Replays: 47 Game:
I just felt like uploading some replays where I play some ranked games with my team featuring jungle Jarvan.
The games weren't necessarily stomps but we had pretty good control all the time. The team work and warding was very nice overall and I just love jungling in premade because it allows you to do aggressive stuff like level 2 ganks thanks to good communication smile.gif All games also show how important it is to be flexible in the jungle.

Thanks to Crackside/NoFearofYou jumping in for Knallhexe smile.gif
This game I got carried rather hard because I couldn't do much since the enemy team was good at warding and I made some rather poor decisions like not even ninja ganking bottom once. I got denied and outjungled quite a lot, but well, my team is baws biggrin.gif
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