,,Nasty Suprise´´ II...Look Score you old Dumb. At this time i was expect same situation. It was and almost: Damn, Im Big Noob ,,Again Same´´. https://resource.openra.net/maps/49371/ Only the strongest remain on Diablo Island. Time is another immortal enemy. Constant positional engineering or more expensive manual repairs by player, when they are killed. Map is better for the teams. Some none combatant players can concentrate themselves only for economy management and engineering. Mod made by Sudden Striker https://www.sudden-strike-maps.de/index.php...oviet-mission-2. Combat is more complicated requiring professional leadership and constant direct control over the battlefield. One unexpected high-technology weapon = Doom has been started. Combat skills playing a lot at this time = more weight for tactician masters ´= SPIKED Wisdom. Dune Playtest Community wanted easier Dune..:Damn, this is wrong direction. 100% Harder:-)
This post has been edited by Markis: Jan 4 2023, 17:56 PM